If you want something different...



What do you have to lose?
Weight?  Bad Habits?
Join this Group and get a
Jump Start on your health and fitness goals!

If you’ve been struggling to melt those stubborn extra pounds and get back in shape, and you’re tired of trying crazy diets that don’t work long term, you’ll want to keep reading.


Let’s face it…


It can be confusing, frustrating and a bit overwhelming to know what to do for long-term success. There’s so much conflicting information everywhere we turn, and sometimes we just feel defeated and give up.   


One thing we DO know for sure is that restrictive diets (or “quick fixes”) don’t work long-term, and rapid weight loss often leads to rapid weight GAIN.  


It’s not your fault that you’ve been fooled into thinking that restrictive dieting is the only way to reach your goals.


It’s time to STOP the madness!


Let’s help you get back on track the RIGHT way, so you can make sustainable changes you can live with FOREVER and be happy about.


Get ready to learn simple step-by-step strategies that you can EASILY implement to help you:


Lose Weight and Get Back in Shape

Feel More Energized (and avoid the afternoon slump)

Slip Into Your Favorite Jeans Again

Fuel Your Body Without Ever Feeling Deprived

There are no crazy tricks, pills, potions or gimmicks!


You’ll ALSO get the most DELICIOUS, easy-to-prepare recipes PLUS a community of support that’s with you every step of the way.  



the 30 Day Fit & Health

Jump Start Program

During the 30 Day Fit and Healthy Jump Start, we’ll focus on one transformational strategy each week:


Week 1 – How to plan for LONG-TERM success – Simple, effective tips to save you TIME, CALORIES and MONEY, without feeling deprived.


Week 2 – Finding the right exercise for YOU – Hint: you don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get in great shape.


Week 3 – Why choosing the quality of food (not just the number of calories) is critical for weight loss.  I will reveal a HUGE secret about fat that will change what you think you know!


Week 4 – Eating to fuel your body – what ONE thing you may be doing unknowingly to sabotage your efforts, and how to easily fix it.


How It Works...

This is an online program so you can join us from ANYWHERE in the world!

(please invite your friends – extra support is awesome)


Once you sign up, you will receive:


  1. One simple, transformational strategy each week to get you on the right track

  2. Templates and worksheets to make tracking and planning easy​

  3. INSTANT access to the Exclusive Membership Portal to guide you through the program during the 30 days

  4. INSTANT access to the Closed Facebook Group to give you extra support by like-minded individuals, plus a Personal Coach monitoring the posts daily

  5. SUPPORT, MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION... Together We Are Stronger!




You’ll get THESE Amazing BONUSES for FREE

 A $65 Value


Delicious, Nutritious Recipe Guide for breakfast, lunch, dinner and side dishes

($27 value)


A Grocery Shopping Guide to help you easily navigate healthy food choices at the store

($19 value)


Sensational Smoothies and Juices recipe guide

($19 Value)


And there's more!

You will also receive all of these amazing tools to help you get on track...

and STAY on track throughout the 30 Days and beyond!

 A $30 Value


20 Healthy Snack Ideas

Healthy Eating On The Go

Healthy Whole Foods to Choose

Menu Planning Worksheet

Exercise Planning Worksheet

Weight & Measurement Tracker

Plus bonus content from our 90 Day Total Health Transformation Program!

Here's The Buzz...


"It helped me stay focused and to make steps toward a healthier me."




“Prior to starting this program, I wasn’t making my health a priority.  I wasn’t focused on the small steps of changing bad habits one at a time to achieve better health.


I loved the information provided each week.  The articles provided were a great steppingstone to focus on me.  Although I got behind at times, Coach Ree provided the motivation I needed to keep moving.


I have started moving more and making exercise a priority.  Workouts are a minimum of 3 days each week now.  I have more energy and am focused on being a healthier me and putting my health first.


This program has positively influenced my health and has taught me that although you may fall off the wagon at times, keep on moving and making healthy replacements to bad habits and you will gain improvements in your health.”

"I feel more energetic overall."




"I consider myself pretty healthy and active with a regular workout routine.   But I was still sluggish and fatigued.


Love the Bonus guide recipes especially the salad dressings! and the how to water guide.

I feel more energetic overall.


Although I've had a crazy, hectic and overwhelming month dealing with aging parents, physically I am beginning to feel recharged."




I'm pretty healthy, lab numbers all about in mid-range. Slowly regaining fitness after a couple years of major surgeries.


Marie walks her talk! She changed her life with healthy choices and is a terrific coach in helping others do the same. She is down to earth, approachable and accessible.


I think it was terrific!

"This works...we just have to do the work!"




"I'm approaching 60 and my goal is to be at my high school weight, but it's been difficult to budge past this one level, so I wanted inspiration and instruction to move the needle.


Definitely more focused on the prep and awareness of eating only the good foods with high nutrient value."




I love the structure of the plan! The shopping guide and meal planning tips as well as the sensational smoothie guide was very beneficial.


The biggest outcome was my arthritis pain went down tremendously. Swelling in my hands and fingers were actually noticeable by my daughter. I wasn't waking up as frequently in pain.


My health has improved/pain management. I believe if I will stick with it, my health will improve even more.

Focus, Motivation,





This program is valued at over $297, but you can join TODAY for only...



That is less than $1 per day!


Reserve Your Spot NOW



Grab a friend or 2 and come join us!  You’ll be glad you did!

Not quite what you are looking for...

Check out our other courses!